Tuesday, 3 December 2019


I had a quick check on the blogs this morning after playing tennis with The Curmudgeon.
There wasn't much activity although The Curmudgeon as usual had kept his blog up to date. He said that he will post later today after going to the dentist. Robert's Rosary thing seems to have fizzled and Richard's Bass Bag is limping along with not very interesting posts.
In Richard's post today he made this unsolicited comment:

"The blue joker hasn't posted for a while. Funny how these guys all turn up, full of energy, full of talk, and then nothing."

                                                                        - Richard's Bass Bag 3 December 2019

The Curmudgeon had warned me about him and I can see what he meant now. It is a bit mean given that I've just started this blog. I didn't want to come across as pushy but it seems that I might have to be a bit more aggressive - or, at least, passive aggressive.


  1. Why a black raven and not a blue one?

  2. Isn't your thing being blue? Otherwise you'd have a name like The Thinker, or On Reflection, or The Guy Who Covers a Lot of Topics. I guess you could go with The Blue Bloke Who Contrasts Well With Orange. It's a long name though.

  3. Good Point.
    I put a blue raven in the post for you.

  4. Well, aren't you clever, blue boy.

  5. Nothing from the blue person for a few days now.
    Talk about starting with a hiss and a roar.



 * I won't go into detail Who would have thought it? Art appreciation from deepest, darkest, Lower Hutt. Richard's Bass Bag * publis...